Tour Post: IGNITE

by Lily Paradis

Publisher: Empire Books
Publication Date: 26th August 2014
ISBN: 9780990716006
Received from: Empire Books



After her father’s untimely demise in a mining accident and her mother’s abandonment, Lauren Lindsay is no stranger to loss. She’s used to living life for one person: herself. That is, until another family tragedy thrusts three children into her care and uproots her life in ways she could never imagine. Lauren's first instinct is to run, until she meets their striking, mysterious neighbor Dean Powell. Their immediate chemistry and his connection with her late father just might be enough to keep her in town long enough to uncover pieces of her past that she never had answers to. Dean’s shady past and her reluctance to trust him could cost her the life she's always been searching for, but will she run back to her old life? Or will she choose to stay and live the life her father always imagined for her?

I had a little chat with the lovely Lily back in August, check it out HERE.


I get to spend a whole post talking about IGNITE?
I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK. It's exactly the kind of book I adore reading! It's a mix of YA themes and story telling with NA characters that are damn near perfect I can’t even cope. Okay, there are one or two little blips but I honestly don't care. I got completely wrapped up in this book and I didn't want it to end. 

This book follows a young lady as she gets thrown into a life she never expected to be living. Now the sole guardian of her three step siblings (after her step-mothers unexpected death) Lauren has to find a way to look after these children as well as live her own life. What will happen with her degree? Where will she find the money to care for them? And how will she be able to focus on all of this with the rather dashing Dean Powell throwing her mix signals left right and centre? This is a story of family, trust and learning to embrace the unexpected. 

The most interesting thing about this book was Lauren. At least it was for me, and I think that has something to do with the fact that I'm the same age as her. I honestly couldn’t imaging being in a situation where I found myself with three children I barely know suddenly being thrusted into my care and it's the way in which Lauren deals with this that was so completely captivating for me. I admired her strength and the way she adapted to her new life. In so many books the main protagonist can come across as winey and melodramatic, but Lauren didn't. Sure she made mistakes, but what 21 year-old doesn't? She’s smart, kind and everything you want in a leading lady.

Now onto Dean...

That's really all I got. You need to read this book to find out just how complex and amazing this character is. He's the perfect book boyfriend that makes me swoon every time his name pops up on the page. One reason to read IGNITE? Dean freaking Powell!!! And not to challenge the author or anything (because Lily I do love you) but as much as I like the idea of Nick Bateman, I totally see Ed Westwick as Dean...

Moving onto the scene-stealer that is Emma. She is just the cutest thing ever! I'm completely in love with this kid and her adorableness and I kind of just want to adopt her!!! The relationship between Lauren and Dean had a tendency to be a little hot and cold but with Emma perfectly situated in the middle they were always connected. Emma would not be pleased if she never got to see her Dean. Also, Emma plays such an important part in the story. She the character that everyone loves, that everyone feels some kind of connection to and no matter what's happening no one would ever leave this like blond cutie-pies side. 
Okay so there were a couple of issues, although that's really to be expected from a debut novel. I think that some of the clues had been dropped a little too soon or where a smidgen too obvious and that made certain Dean related aspects of the story line a little predictable at times. Then there was the way in which the whole 'fate' plot line was a little over the top. However, at the same time I fell in love with that too. The way everything was meant to be and the strong connections between everything was really heart warming and I found that I adored that part of the story. Although, I can also see how it could be seen as a little copious at times. 

Overall this book was great! I'm stoked that there is going to be a companion novel told from the prospective of the illustrious Dean and I can't wait to get sucked into this story all over again. Yes, it's a tad cliché at times but the characters are so sweet and likeable that it doesn't really matter. I really hope you lot give this one a shot as I truly think it deserves it. 

P.S. I was lucky enough to have a little chit-chat with the lovely Lily a couple of weeks back and she said that this song inspired IGNITE. I hadn't yet read the book at the time but now I have I can totally see it!!

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**I received this book as an ARC from Empire Books to read & review. This is a 100% honest review.**

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