Disclaimer: Pokemon Go belongs to Niantic and Nintendo, please don’t sue me.
I found this book tag via Jess Hearts Books, although originally created by Read at Midnight and it looked like so much fun! I'm slightly addicted to Pokemon Go.... well more than slightly and I thought this would be a fun little (not so little) book tag to do as I've not done one in a LONG time. I hope you enjoy!
I found this book tag via Jess Hearts Books, although originally created by Read at Midnight and it looked like so much fun! I'm slightly addicted to Pokemon Go.... well more than slightly and I thought this would be a fun little (not so little) book tag to do as I've not done one in a LONG time. I hope you enjoy!
- NIL. Link back to original blog Read at Midnight is appreciated but optional. Feel free to use the original graphics. Tag people, don’t tag people, whatever. Just have fun!
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket was the book(s) that got me into reading for fun rather than just because my teacher told me to. I read the first 8 of the series in 2 weeks and I was hooked... I can't say my love really continued part book 8 but I finished the series eventually and I will always be happy they started my love for reading.
Harry Potter all the way!! I'll admit the second and five instillment had a few flaws but I can't get enough of these books and I've been reading them since they were first published... well when they were first published my mum read them to me, I was like 5.
Game of Thrones... I know, I know so please don't kill me! I do love the TV show and the books but sometimes I just get a little tired of it because it is constantly in my face and sometimes I do want a Game of Thrones free night.
Divergent, The Hunger Games, Maze Runner... I love them all but they do all sometimes blur into one. Divergent is still one of my all time favourite books and that will never change but when a genre becomes popular every story seems to interlink and reminds me of something I've read before.
The last book in both the City of Bones series and Discovery of Witches series. Both books would kill someone if you hit you on the head and as much as I love both series I can't quite bring myself to read these last instillments.
The Hunger Games! That was the first book I just could not put down. I remember having school the next day but stayed up until 5am reading it. I called in sick for school and finished it that afternoon. But shhh don't tell on me.
Oh jeez! Where to start, there are way way way too many to pick from... Although i'd have to say Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter are the all time OTP for me.
Harry Potter! Any possible connection to the wizarding world keeps me very happy!
The Chemical Gardens trilogy by Lauren DeStefano was a surprising one for me. I picked up the book before the cover of Wither is bootiful! But as the story progressed and the books came out I got more and more enthralled but them.
I feel like this is a tag where I see how many times I can fit Harry Potter into the category... to be fair it's fit in most. It's THE series of my generation and I still get excited over it... It's no secret I'm a massive potter head!
Ah... okay confession time! It's been so long since I really got into the blogging game that I haven't a clue who's got debut novels out soon. *hangs head in shame*
ALTHOUGH Cherry by Lindsey Rosin is a recent debut that I absolutely loved! Fingers crossed that redeems me a little bit...
I have a couple of these... Rainbow Rowell, Giovanna Fletcher, J.K. Rowling, Danielle Paige and most recently added to the list Dawn Kurtagich.
CARVE THE MARK!!! Veronica Roth gave us Divergent and now she's giving us a new series and I can't wait!! Just like 4 months to go... I can cope... I think!